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Thursday, May 10, 2007


'Blup blup blup blup blup blup.......10 sec pause.......blup blup blup blup' the new alarm that i just set on my phone to wake me up. Its suppose to be bubbles goes something like...blup blup blup...ploop ploop ploop?..something like that. Woke up...... still in a state of drowsiness....stumbled across the room to pull the curtains back to let the warm rays of the sun to shine into my has been my routine lately to do this as it really brings the cheerful side of you out.

It was barbecue day today! Malaysian + Chinese society barbecue.....hebatnya!

I got dressed and headed towards the barbecue pit. On the way there i saw something which will happen to most of us and is not something people my age will be thinking about now....probably in another 5-10yrs time.

It was WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT time! it was soooo nice...the scenery...the background...the wedding dress....the ducks....everything perfecto! Feel so happy for them....what a way to start of my day.


Orang Cina of the world (malaysia,china,hk,taiwan)

DIdnt take many pics as i was starving. Had food with me the whole time. After eating it was....GAME TIME!

4 in a team....tie ur legs together. Forgot what its called..i know there's a name for this...just forgot what it was called already.

All lined up far far far away and they have to walk or run (if they can) towards the finish line which is where i am standing taking this pic.


Thats basically, games, chill, lie down on clean green grass without worrying about any things sticking onto your clothes.....great weather as well. Oh yeah....the bbq was.......FREE!

Here's a riddle.....whoever solves it..................................................good for you.

Round is I,

Black is not me colour,

Touch me if you want,

For i am a _______???

What am I???

GRASS??? nope....i mean..yeah made of grass but not specifically just grass....its something made out of grass.

Grass Ball


1 month.


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